Google Tag Manager ID: GTM-XXXXXXX

Adjust the Data Layer


Usage Instructions

Insert your Google Tag Manager Id. Either use the "Edit Tag Id" button at the top or click here. If you don't have one you can temporarily use the sandbox text id GTM-KFLVJ4C, but you won't be able to see the result on the other end. It's just for quick testing purposes.

Preview items. The blue buttons allow you to preview either the Full Data Layer or prebuilt event objects. Seeing how they're formed makes it easier to identify if you've located the prebuilt event object that you're looking for.
  • Pro-tip: If Data Layer shows undefined then you forgot to add your GTM Id. See Step #1.

Edit a prebuilt event object The green buttons allow you to edit specific prebuilt event objects. Editing is specific only to this loaded instance of this webpage. This is a great way to test different poritons of the object and potential triggers on the other side based on values.
  • Pro-tip: If you've butchered your edit beyond repair, then just refresh the page to start fresh.

Push that specific prebuilt event object to GTM! It's added to the Data Layer and sent to GTM. It will be retained in the webpage's Data Layer until the webpage is refreshed, but once it's sent to the GTM it's sent to the GTM.
  • Pro-tip: Each successful push to an active GTM Id will confirm with an incrementing unique event id like "gtm.uniqueEventId": 6. If it's not there you should recheck your GTM id.
  • Pro-tip: If you re-push an item too-similiar to one already in the Data Layer you will get back the samme unique event id that was returned the first time.